Legal Delegation to United Arab Emirates (UAE) April 22-28, 2023

Our legal delegation found the United Arab Emirates (UAE) a fascinating destination that turned out to be a wonderful adventure and learning experience. UAE is a modern and dynamic country which melds seven (7) separate emirates into one cohesive society. From a cultural perspective we experienced the dynamic architecture, modern city scape, and the clean environment. Our delegation was fortunate in getting to interact with our professional counterparts for substantive matters and we were able to gain an understanding of the UAE legal system, which for them works. Because the UAE is a Middle East country, the lawyers regularly interact with lawyers and the legal systems of the surrounding countries. Applying the proper legal standards is a challenge and fascinating. We were curious about the muchly heralded C3 Court which is publicized to be the future of litigation processing. It is a project in which the three levels of litigation are merged into one court, and the time limit for litigation is reduced to 30 days from the current 305 days. We were told this system works but there were also mixed reviews. This unique project is characterized by the ability to contribute to reducing the time for handling case, issue a ruling, simplifying litigation procedure and reducing litigation expenses. Whether this system will catch on in other countries is an open question. Also, the authoritarian aspect of the country limits dissent and political protest, but things do get done quickly. The current visionary leader of this oil rich country is moving the UAE quickly into the modern world.

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